AASSC Annual Conference 2016 : Call for Papers

Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASC) Annual Conference 2016

Call for Papers – AASSC Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

May 30 – June 2, 2016

The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in
Canada (AASSC) will be held at the University of Calgary from Monday, May 30 – Thursday, June 2,
2016 in conjunction with the meetings of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences / Fédération Canadienne des Sciences Humaines.

The AASSC invites papers of 20 minutes duration, to be followed by an additional 10 minutes of
discussion time. Papers may be given in English or French on a Scandinavian / Nordic related topic in any discipline, including Finnish, Greenlandic, Faroese and Icelandic topics.

As stated on the Congress website, the 2016 overall theme is “Energizing communities,” and “reflects the [University of Calgary]’s commitment to community engagement at local, regional, national and
transnational levels. This commitment is rooted in the belief that knowledge and understanding are
created through associations of shared values, grounded in respect for difference and diversity among
all peoples, from First Nations to new Canadians.”

AASSC encourages panels (3 participants) that deal with “communities,” as expressed by the Federation
above, in a Scandinavian/Nordic context. However, papers are NOT limited to these themes/angles, and we welcome all contributions within Scandinavian Studies. Thus, proposals for panels on other themes within Scandinavian / Nordic Studies are also invited, as are proposals for interdisciplinary colloquia or special sessions on the level of the overall Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Let the AASSC Program Committee Chair know if you wish your panel to be a part of the overall Congress and/or an interdisciplinary session.

There are two deadlines again this year. If you must hand in your application for funding to your institution already this fall, you may submit your proposal by October 20, 2015, and the Program Committee will give you an answer by the end of October. In all other cases, the deadline for submission of proposals for panels/abstracts is January 15, 2016, through e-mail only.

Submissions should include the title of the paper, an abstract (150-250 words), and the author’s name,
affiliation, a very brief bio, and contact information.

Please email your submission to the Chair of the AASSC Program Committee at vandeuse@ualberta.ca.

See you in Calgary!

Natalie Van Deusen
Vice President and Program Chair, AASSC
Assistant Professor & Henry Cabot and Linnea Lodge Scandinavian Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
University of Alberta
200 Arts Building
Edmonton AB T6G 2E6
Email: vandeuse@ualberta.ca

See : http://aassc.com/category/conference/

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.