Call for papers – A land shaped by water : perspectives on Canada


A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada.
Turku, Finland, 12 – 15 August 2015

Submissions are invited for papers or posters for the eleventh Nordic international, cross-disciplinary Canadian Studies conference, to be held in Turku, Finland, in August 2015. The theme of the conference “A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada” may be taken literally or metaphorically. We are looking especially, but not exclusively, for contributions in the following fields: literature / political science / the arts / history / international relations | aboriginal affairs / cultural studies / regional studies / cultural geography / social ecology.

Presentations will be allowed 20 minutes + time for discussion, and will be organized in thematic, cross-disciplinary workshops potentially focussed on some of the following topics: water, ice, snow & fog, the fur trade, trans-Atlantic & trans-Pacific contacts, the Northwest Passage and the Arctic, migration, patterns of trade, the Great Lakes Basin, transportation: seas, lakes, waterways, fisheries, fossil fuels and water resources, toponymy, impact of hydro projects, acid rain, settlement patterns.

An abstract of the proposal, maximum 150 words, with a brief CV of the author(s), maximum 40 words, should be submitted in MS Word format by 31 January 2015 to the Conference Committee at this email address:

Poster proposals may also be submitted, maximum 50 words + CV max 40 words. The Committee will aim to reply to authors by the end of February.

Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS)
Association nordique d’Etudes canadiennes (ANEC)

Appel à projet sur le site Canadian studies network

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.