Catégorie : Bourses, offres d’emplois et de stages

Assistant Professor – Swedish or Norwegian Literature, Culture, and Society

Assistant Professor – Swedish or Norwegian Literature, Culture, and Society

The Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in the area of Swedish or Norwegian Literature, Culture, and Society, with an expected start date of July 1, 2025. For more information about the position, including required qualifications and application materials, please visit The deadline to apply is October 14, 2024. With questions, please contact All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status.

Maître de langue de danois à l’Université de Lille.

Maître de langue de danois à l’Université de Lille.

La section scandinave de la faculté de LLCER (Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales) à l’Université de Lille recherche un Maître de langue de danois à partir du 1e septembre de l’année universitaire 2024/2025.

Il s’agit d’un contrat à temps plein d’un an, renouvelable une fois pour la même durée.

Dans le cadre de la licence parcours langues scandinaves, le/la Maître de langue de danois assure la totalité des heures d’enseignement de la langue danoise, enseignement qui s’adresse à des grands débutants ayant acquis les notions de base du suédois. Il/Elle est également en charge des cours de littérature scandinave générale au niveau de la première année de la formation, ainsi que des cours de littérature danoise dispensés en deuxième et troisième années.

De même, le/la Maître de langue de danois assure l’enseignement optionnel du danois, qui s’adresse aux étudiants non-scandinavistes venant d’autres formations.

Les enseignements assurés par le/la Maître de langue de danois se déroulent en présentiel sur le site de l’université.

Depuis la rentrée universitaire de 2023, la formation est également proposée en enseignement à distance (EAD). Dans le cadre de cet enseignement, les cours sont préparés et déposés sur la plateforme numérique Moodle, où les étudiants y auront accès.

Les candidats justifieront d’un niveau de formation équivalent du Master.

Une expérience de l’enseignement du danois à un public de débutants non-danophones sera un avantage appréciable.

Les candidats sont danophones ou ont une pratique de la langue danoise équivalente.

Les candidats ont également une excellente maîtrise du français (B2), étant donné qu’une partie des heures d’enseignement sera assurée dans cette langue.

Les dossiers de candidature sont à envoyer, dans les meilleurs délais, sous forme numérique, à Anders Löjdström, responsable pédagogique de la section scandinave du département d’études germaniques, néerlandaises et scandinaves à l’Université de Lille, à l’adresse suivante :

Notre maître de langue de danois actuelle peut également fournir des informations sur le poste et sur le travail. Elle est joignable à l’adresse suivante : ou

Jobopslag: En stilling som “maître de langue” i dansk på Universitetet i Lille

Den skandinaviske sektion af LLCER-fakultetet (Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Étrangères et Régionales) ved Universitetet i Lille søger en dansklektor fra 1. september i det akademiske år 2024/2025.

Der er tale om en etårig fuldtidskontrakt, som kan forlænges én gang for samme periode.

Som en del af uddannelsen i skandinaviske sprog vil dansklektoren være ansvarlig for alle danskundervisningstimer, der er rettet mod absolutte begyndere, som har erhvervet et grundlæggende kendskab til svensk. Han eller hun er også ansvarlig for kurser i generel skandinavisk litteratur på første år af uddannelsen, hvori der undervises i oversat skandinavisk literatur, samt kurser i dansk litteratur på andet og tredje år.

Den danske lektor tilbyder også valgfri danskundervisning til ikke-skandinaviske studerende fra andre uddannelser.

Dansklærerens undervisning foregår fysisk på universitetet i Villeneuve d’Ascq.

Siden starten af det akademiske år 2023 har bacheloren også været udbudt som fjernundervisning (EAD). Som en del af dette program forberedes kurserne og uploades på den digitale platform Moodle, hvor de studerende har adgang til dem.


Kandidater skal have en uddannelse svarende til en kandidatgrad.

Erfaring med undervisning i dansk for ikke-dansktalende begyndere vil være en stor fordel.

Kandidater skal have dansk som modersmål eller have tilsvarende niveau.

Der forvendes en fremragende beherskelse af fransk, da en del af undervisningstimerne vil foregå på dette sprog.


Ansøgninger skal i første omgang sendes i digital form til Anders Löjdström, leder af den skandinaviske sektion ved Institut for Germanske, Nederlandske og Skandinaviske Studier ved Universitetet i Lille, på følgende adresse:

Vores nuværende dansklærer kan også give oplysninger om stillingen og arbejdet. Hun kan kontaktes på følgende adresse: eller



The Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ/University Paris-Saclay invites applications for a full-time doctoral position (100%) in the field of Arctic Humanities especially German studies or cultural history. The position is funded by the French Research Foundation (ANR), for 3 years, to start as soon as possible. Residence in France is expected. The thesis can be written in French, English or German.

The Université Paris-Saclay was created by the combined efforts of French universities, Grandes Écoles and research bodies such as the CNRS. It is one of the leading universities in Europe and the rest of the world, covering the Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences and Health, Humanities and Social Sciences. It represents 13% of French research potential and reached top 15 position in the 2023 Shanghai ARWU ranking. At the University of Paris-Saclay, more than 150 researchers are working on Arctic and Antarctic research.

The University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is a founding and associate member of the Université Paris-Saclay.

The Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ (MIARC) located at the University of Paris Saclay / UVSQ conducts research in the Arctic Humanities.

Qualification requirements:

  • Master degree in German Studies, History or related fields (equivalent of “mention très bien”, “A”, “First Class Honours” or “summa cum laude”)
  • The applicant is expected to design and write a doctoral thesis on the history of the Arctic, e.g. in the field of the history of reception, history of the press, travel or missionary writing, history of knowledge, history of travels and tourism
  • The applicant should be able to work on German sources or on the reception of German-language texts about the Arctic in English. The ability to express oneself verbally and in writing in German at a level necessary to read German sources and literature of the subject is of a great advantage.
  • The applicant must have a solid command of English. Language proficiency must include the ability to read, speak, and write in this language. Language skills in other languages spoken in the Arctic are an advantage.
  • The applicant should document subject knowledge to the research area on the History of the Arctic.
  • The applicant should be able to use analytical thinking, creativity, personal initiative and work independently.
  • The applicant is expected to cooperate with colleagues at the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ.

We offer:

  • PhD Diploma of the University of Paris-Saclay / UVSQ, the leading French research-intensive university, ranked third-best in Europe and 15 worldwide
  • As a doctoral student at MIARC you will work with a committed and motivated team.
  • As a doctoral student at MIARC you have the opportunity to take part in research, teaching and outreach activities and projects conducted at the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ at national and international level. 
  • Additionally, we provide a valuable opportunity to enrich your knowledge through interaction with a diverse community of doctoral students at UVSQ and our partners from several European countries and the Arctic.

Applications can be written in French, English or German.

Please include the following documents:

  • Cover letter
  • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of degree projects/theses
  • Degree certificates and grades confirming that you meet the general and specific entry requirements (no more than 6 files)
  • Grades (last year of master is sufficient)
  • Degree projects/theses (no more than 2 files) is of a great advantage. It is possible to work on a project developed together with the supervisor.
  • 1-3 letters of recommendation can be added but are not mandatory

Please note that admission decisions cannot be appealed.

For more information, please contact Jun.-Prof. Joanna Kodzik,

Closing date: 30/06/2024


Appel à candidatures pour les artistes basés en France : SEPTENTRIONALES

Appel à candidatures pour les artistes basés en France : SEPTENTRIONALES


SEPTENTRIONALES est un programme de résidences itinérantes et éco-responsable pensées pour les artistes établis en France. Organisé par les Instituts français du Danemark, de Norvège, de Suède et de Finlande, ce programme consiste en un périple d’exploration à travers ces quatre pays. Le voyage s’effectuant sans avion, le programme invite l’artiste à questionner son rapport à la mobilité et à l’environnement à travers, la quiétude et l’immensité des paysages nordiques.


Cette résidence artistique, axée sur la recherche et l’exploration, aura lieu du 15 août 2024 au 15 octobre 2024.


La date limite pour soumettre votre candidature est le 26 février 2024. Il est ouvert aux artistes de toutes disciplines dont les projets bénéficieraient d’une immersion dans la région nordique.


Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur les détails du projet et les critères de sélection sur le site dédié à la résidence.

* * *

Call for Applications for France-based Artists: SEPTENTRIONALES


SEPTENTRIONALES is a program of itinerant and eco-conscious residencies designed for France-based artists. Organized by the French institutes of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, this program consists of an explorative trip through these four countries. Since the journey is conducted without flying, the program invites the artist to reconsider their relationship to mobility and the environment amidst the richness, tranquillity, and vastness of Nordic landscapes.


This artistic residency, concentrating on research and exploration, will take place from August 15, 2024, to October 15, 2024.


The deadline to submit your application is February 26, 2024. The program is open to artists of all disciplines whose projects would benefit from an immersion in the Nordic region.


You can discover all the project details and selection criteria through the residency’s website.

Deux nouveaux postes de doctorant, 100%, Université de Stockholm

Deux nouveaux postes de doctorant, 100%, Université de Stockholm

  1. Poste de doctorant de 4 ans en langues romanes (langue et spécialité à choisir parmi le français, l’espagnol, l’italien et le portugais), Université de Stockholm

Version anglaise: PhD Student Positions – Stockholm University (

Version suédoise: Doktorandplatser – Stockholms universitet

  1. Poste de doctorant de 4 ans en linguistique romane (langue à choisir parmi le français, l’espagnol, l’italien et le portugais), Université de Stockholm

Version suédoise : Doktorandplatser – Stockholms universitet

Version anglaise : PhD Student Positions – Stockholm University (

Deadline: 15 avril pour le dépôt des dossiers

Contrat doctoral à Stavanger

Contrat doctoral à Stavanger

Le projet de recherche Old Norse Poetry and the Developement of Saga Literature ), sous la direction de Klaus Johan Myrvoll, Mikael Males et Jon Gunnar Jørgensen, propose un contrat doctoral sur 4 ans à Stavanger.

Informations : 

Research Fellowship connected to “Collecting Norden”

Research Fellowship connected to “Collecting Norden”

Job description

A Research Fellowship (SKO 1109) is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.

The position is associated with the UiO:Nordic research group Collecting Norden. The Research Fellowship is funded by UiO:Nordic.The candidate is expected to present a research project connected to the main project.

“Collecting Norden” is a transdisciplinary research, pedagogical and outreach project, including researchers and museum professionals from the humanities and the natural sciences. It investigates objects – nature, human-made, physical and sensory – that were collected on touristic tours and scientific expeditions in the North of the Nordic countries, focusing on the 19th and early 20th centuries. Its main aim is to provide critical and alternative interpretations and explanations of contemporary notions of Norden.

The applicant is asked to propose a research project of relevance to Collecting Norden, preferably with a focus on travel literature. The proposal has to include reflections on how to communicate the research findings to a wider non-academic community, a central component of Collecting Norden.

The successful candidate is expected to actively contribute to the research group through participation in seminars and through contributions to the project’s outreach activities, and to become part of the research environment of the department and contribute to its development.

The position is available for a period of 17 months. The start date for the position is expected to be August 2021.

Academic Assistant

Academic Assistant

Job Advertisement
Academic Assistant – Historical Institute 21/ Ma04

University of Greifswald, 04.03.2021
Application deadline: 17.03.2021
The project “Virtuelle Hochschule Ostseeraum” at the Historical Institute of Greifswald

University has been given funding approval to fill a part-time position starting from 01.05.2021 to 30.04.2023, as an (50%) Academic Assistant.

The payment is based on the salary group 13 TV-L Wissenschaft.

Work Assignments:
The position includes the coordination of the project “Virtuelle Hochschule Ostseeraum” which is funded by the DAAD and state funds provided by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

This projects is centered around the international networking of partner universities in the Baltic Sea region and the development of digital course offerings for MA students and advanced student teacher training.

This project has been in progress since 1.1.2020 and an extension is being planned.

  • The coordination should be primarily active in the following areas:
  • The continued development of courses specifically within the frame of the MA program “History and Culture of the Baltic Sea Area”
  • Communication with international partner universities
  • Coordination of collaborative online courses
  • Guidance and training of student assistants and tutors in a virtual setting for teaching and learning opportunities
  • Evaluation of the course and the projects with the cooperation of the central offices of Greifswald University
  • The position is focused on developing skills in digital teaching and international networking.

The skills in research and teaching attained through this position can be transferred to future studies and applied to various academic fields where these skills are required.

  • Employment Requirements:
  • Completed University degree in History or related subjects
  • Graduate or doctoral research in the realm of Northern or Medieval History
  • Excellent knowledge of German and English
  • Experience in teaching and learning in a virtual setting
  • A high degree of independence, efficiency and a sense of responsibility along with good social skills

Other Desired Skills:

  • Interest in didactic and university didactic themes, experience in teaching, especially in online-teaching are beneficial
  • Knowledge of Latin and/or a Northern language are beneficial

In addition to turning in a resume/CV, interested applicants are asked to turn in an Exposé of their doctoral project as well as written documentation of their educational experience.

This vacancy is open to all applicants, irrespective of gender. The University aims to increase the proportion of women in areas, in which they are underrepresented. Applications from women are particularly welcome and will be treated with priority if they are equally qualified, providing
there are no clear reasons which make a fellow applicant more suitable.

Severely disabled applicants with equal professional and personal qualifications will be considered with preference.

In accordance with § 68 Abs. 3 PersVG M-V the staff council is involved in personal matters of the academic/artistic personnel by application only.
Application and interview expenses cannot be covered by the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Application with the required documents can be sent in English or German per E-Mail (in one PDF document) under the specifications of the job posting number 21/Ma04 by 17.03.2021 to:

Universität Greifswald
Lehrstuhl für nordische Geschichte
Prof. Dr. Cordelia Heß

Maître de langue de danois à l’Université de Lille

Maître de langue de danois à l’Université de Lille

La section scandinave de la faculté de LLCER (Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales) à l’Université de Lille recherche un Maître de langue de danois à partir du 1e septembre de l’année universitaire 2020.

Il s’agit d’un contrat à temps plein d’un an, renouvelable une fois pour la même durée.

Dans le cadre de la licence parcours langues scandinaves, le Maître de langue de danois assure la totalité des heures d’enseignement de la langue danoise, enseignement qui s’adresse à des grands débutants ayant acquis les notions de base du suédois. Il est également en charge des cours de littérature scandinave générale au niveau de la première année de la formation, ainsi que des cours de littérature danoise dispensés en deuxième et troisième année.

De même, le Maître de langue de danois assure l’enseignement optionnel du danois qui s’adresse aux étudiants non-scandinavistes venant d’autres formations.

Les enseignements assurés par le Maître de langue de danois se déroulent en présentiel sur le site de l’université.

Les candidats justifieront d’un niveau de formation équivalent du Master ainsi.

Une expérience de l’enseignement du danois à un public de débutants non-danophones sera un avantage appréciable.

Ils sont danophones ou ont une pratique de la langue danoise équivalente.

Ils ont également une excellente maîtrise du français, étant donné qu’une partie des heures d’enseignement sera assurée dans cette langue.

Dans un premier temps, les dossiers de candidature seront envoyés avant le 12 juin 2020 sous forme numérique à Anders Löjdström, responsable pédagogique de la section scandinave du département d’études germaniques, néerlandaises et scandinaves à l’Université de Lille, à l’adresse suivante :

Jobopslag : En stilling som “maître de langue” i dansk på Universitetet i Lille

Den skandinaviske afdeling på Fakultetet for ”Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales” på “Université de Lille” søger en underviser i dansk. Det drejer sig om en fuldtidsstilling med en etårig kontrakt, der kan forlænges med yderligere ét år. Ud over sprogundervisning vil der være undervisning i skandinavisk og dansk litteratur. Det forventes, at kandidaten har erfaring med med undervisning i dansk og desuden har et godt kendskab til fransk.

Yderligere oplysninger kan fås ved henvendelse til Anders Löjdström

UiO : Doctoral Research Fellowship in Scandinavian Literature

UiO : Doctoral Research Fellowship in Scandinavian Literature

Job description

A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Scandinavian literature is available at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies (ILN), University of Oslo. ILN hosts two research sections in this field, the Scandinavian literature section and the Centre for Ibsen Studies.

The Scandinavian literature section has distinguished itself internationally for its research on literary criticism, history of the book, ecocriticism, narratology, drama, short stories and poetry. Focus areas include central Nordic authors, different literary periods and topics of particular relevance for contemporary society. In addition, the section has an interdisciplinary orientation, with a focus on environmental humanities, life sciences, book history and digital humanities.

The Centre for Ibsen Studies is a national and international hub for research, documentation and teaching about Henrik Ibsen. The Centre has developed several open-access digital resources, and aims to become an international flagship within this area. Among these resources, the electronic edition of Henrik Ibsen’s Writings and the relational event-based database IbsenStage have had a ground-breaking effect on recent Ibsen research. In addition, the Centre has significant expertise in various approaches to reception studies and the history of the book.

The Scandinavian literature section and the Centre for Ibsen Studies invite qualified applicants to submit a project description. It is preferred that projects are connected to one or more of the following research areas:

  • Book history and/or reception studies
  • Literature and media / intermediality / interart studies
  • Life sciences / narrative medicine
  • Digital humanities

More information : here.

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.