Appel à contribution de la branche nordique de la Société arthurienne internationale
Sujet : “Arthurian Women. Mothers, Lovers and Others”
(by the Nordic Branch of the International Arthurian Society)
Arthurian Women. Mothers, Lovers and Others is the third international conference organised by the Nordic Branch of the International Arthurian Society. The conference will be held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim on 13-14 September 2018.
Women are omnipresent characters of Arthurian romances. A gender approach to Nordic Arthurian literature is all the more relevant as the translation processes has often lead to an acculturation of gender codes which underscores major differences in women status and role within continental Europe and the North. The conference Arthurian Women. Mothers, Lovers and Others thus aims at focusing on the attributes, roles and status of female characters in the translated Nordic Arthurian material during the Middle Ages, as well as on the cultural changes in the conceptions and perceptions of women in the transmission processes.
While these are some of the suggested avenues for exploration, we also welcome papers related to the medieval Nordic Arthurian narratives.
Presentations will be in English and 20 minutes in length. Proposals should include the author’s name, affiliations and address, a brief author biography/CV and an abstract of approximately 500 words.
Proposals should be sent to david.bré or before 30th of Mars 2018. All proposals will be reviewed by a scientific committee.
NTNU will provide for accommodations in Trondheim (max 3 hotel nights) and lunches/dinners during the conference.
The Organizing Committee:
Postdoc David Brégaint (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Ass. Prof. Ingvil Budal (NLA University College)
The Scientific Committee:
Prof. Sif Rikhardsdottir (University of Iceland)
Ass. Prof. Ingvil Brügger Budal (NLA University College)
Ass. Prof. Virgile Reiter (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Dr. Sofia Lóden (Stockholm University)
For more information,