CFP: Noises and Voices. Languages, Media, the Arts in Nordic Literatures

Call For Papers :

Noises and Voices. Languages, Media, the Arts in Nordic Literatures

October 6–7, 2016

At the University of Turku, Finland

What are the new repertoires or new kinds of languages in literature? Is literary multilingualism to be understood as a purely linguistic phenomenon in literature, or could it also encompass other media and arts? When does a language become noise? How do we analyze and conceptualize the use of vernacular languages in contemporary literature? The Noises and Voices conference wishes to explore multilingualism in the Nordic literary field from different angles, in its texts, literary canons, genres, and national literatures.

Languages might turn up in unexpected places and assume different guises. Literature mixes the verbal with the visual, words with images. Even words themselves have a visual component that is not semantic. Literature produces sound, either in terms of an imagined inner voice or as verbalized text. The tactile dimension is also to be considered in the context of the different sensory registers of literature. Literature speaks through and to all the senses.

We are inviting papers and panels focusing, for example, on the following aspects:

  • The connection of literature to other media and arts, especially highlighting the themes of silences, noises, and voices in literature as well as the theoretical and methodological approaches that are necessary for dealing with them.
  • The concept of “voice”, which has a long research tradition in literary studies, especially in the field of minority literature studies, indigenous people’s studies, gender studies, and animal studies. How is it applied in contemporary literary studies? Whose voice is heard and whose is silenced? If a language cannot be verbalized, how is it then expressed? How is a wounded language used for communication? When does silence become a form of resistance and point of departure for aesthetic innovations?
  • Dimensions of translation, as translation often is employed in multilingual literature. Writers address their work to multiple audiences by translating it into another language. Important cases in point are minority literatures that can often only be heard through translations.
  • The effects of multilingual literature on the literary field, for example, on its values and publishing practices. In what kind of context is multilingualism regarded as strange and distracting? When is it valued as an aesthetic asset?

We invite scholars to give a 20-minute presentation on these and other related topics. You may submit an abstract in English of no more than 200 words (with your affiliation and contact information) by March 31, 2016. We will notify you of our decision by May 2, 2016.

Please send your proposal as an attached file to the address noisesandvoices[@]


The Steering Committee for the research network Diversity in Nordic Literatures (DINO): Satu Gröndahl, Uppsala University and Sámi University College; Heidi Grönstrand, University of Turku; Vuokko Hirvonen, Sámi University College; Markus Huss Uppsala University; Olli Löytty, University of Turku; Elisabeth Oxfeldt , University of Oslo

The Multilingualism in Contemporary Literature in Finland project (Kone Foundation), University of Turku

For further information, please contact:

Heidi Grönstrand heigro[@] ; Ralf Kauranen ralf.kauranen[@] ; Kukku Melkas kukku.melkas[@] ; Olli Löytty olselo[@] ; Julia Tidigs julia.tidigs[@]

Thème : Overlay par Kaira.