Organized by Joachim Grage (Freiburg) and Thomas Mohnike (Strasbourg) at the Freiburg Institut of Advances Studies (FRIAS) in Cooperation with University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies (USIAS) 11-12 june 2015 .
Thursday, 11/06/15
9h00 Welcome
9h30 Lars Erik Zeige (Berlin):
Northern Europe in Linguistic Maps
10h30 coffee
11h Alderik Blom (Oxford):
Rasmus Rask in St Petersburg
12h Kim Simonsen (Amsterdam):
Paper Monuments of the North. The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries and Carl Christian Rafn’s letters
13h lunch (FRIAS)
14h30 Jürg Glauser (Basel/Zürich):
From Iceland to Thule. Andreas Heusler’s Journeys to Iceland and the Construction of Nordic ‘Altertumskunde’
15h30 coffee
16h Laura Muller-Thoma (Strasbourg): Tolkien the Philologuer
17h Thomas Mohnike (Strasbourg):
Armchair Traveling in Philological Research: Some Thoughts on the Imaginative Geographies of 19th Century Comparative Philology as Narrative Arguments
Friday, 12/06/15
9h Michael Rießler (Freiburg):
Knowledge and Imagination in Human Zoo Parks: Saami Studies carried out during Ethnological Expositions in Central Europe
10h coffee
10h30 Lis Møller (Aarhus):
“…und doch hat die Sonne Homers auch über diese Eisberge ihren Glanz”. Mediations of Danish medieval ballads in Wilhelm Carl Grimm’s Altdänische Heldenlieder
11h30 Britta Irslinger (Freiburg):
Brave Heroes and Vicious Goddesses: Philological Research and National Identity in Ireland between 1800–1950
12h30 lunch (Paradies)
14h30 Clarence Glad (Reykjavík):
Anchoring the North. The Geography of North and South in the Construction of Icelandic National Literature
15h30 Joachim Grage (Freiburg):
“The Emerging Discipline of the Future”. The North in 19th Century Comparative Literature
16h30 coffee
17h Goodbye